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Day in the Life

Jul 9, 1848

Journal Entry

July 09, 1848 ~ Sunday

9th Sunday in company with Brothers Dana & Kingsley I rode
[FIGURE] in my carrige to Montrose dined with Br Beebe we
then crossed the river on the steem ferry boat to
Nauvoo we called upon Almon Babbit. then in company
with John Snider I visited the Temple & went over it
from the bottom to the top whare I once more had a full view
of the once beautiful but now desolate city of Nauvoo the temple
was in a much better state of preservation than I expected to


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Babbitt, Almon Whiting
1 Oct 1813 - 21 Oct 1856
103 mentions
Beebe, Calvin Bebe
1 Jul 1800 - 17 Jul 1861
6 mentions
Snider, John
11 Feb 1799 - 19 Dec 1875
28 mentions


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a hard thunder storm was approaching us. my Mules were tied to a large oak tree on the opposite side of the street I felt impressed to move my Mules away to another place I did so I also removed my Children out of the house Carriage & made them a bed in the house I also moved my Carriage one rod down to the house in which Mrs Woodruff myself & one child slept, we had just retired to bed when the storm reached us with great fury in a moment the large oak tree came thund- ering to the ground with a mighty crash had I not have moved my Mules it probably would have killed them had I not have moved my Carriage it would have crushed it to atoms and killed us dead for the body of the tree fell whare my Carriage stood & just missed Br Kingleys waggon I considerd it an i[n]ter position of Providence to save our lives
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine Notes 2
On Sunday the in company with brothers Dana and Kingsley I drove into Montrose dined with MrBro Beebe and then crossed the river on the steam ferry boat to Nauvoo We called upon Almon W Babbit and then in company with John Snider I visited the Temple and went over it from the bottom to the top. Here I once more had a full view of the once beautiful but now desolate city Nauvoo The Temple was in a much better state of preservation than I expected to find it The people in the city of Nauvoo were much excited from a report that Elder Hyde would preach in the Temple that day. They had made many threats upon the subject and some came in waggons from the country to hear and see; but the excitement was all among themselves for Elder Hyde had given out no such appointment I returned to Almon W. Babbits and found a man had come from Michigan to enquire after the Gospel and to see the Saints. I was introduced to him and he told his business. I preached the Gospel to him one hour and then went to the river in Nauvoo and baptized him


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Jul 9, 1848