July Sunday 23rd We attended to the burial of our child, Shuah. She
was buried in the garden of Br Luther Scammons A few rods
South East of his dwelling. She was buried in A good black walnut
coffin set inside of An Ash box. I put up a lime stone slab at
the grave with the following words well carve upon it which
I done with my own hand.
S. C. Woodruff
Died July 22nd 1848 Aged 9 Months
[several lines blank]
Sarah Emma Born July 14th 1838 Died July 17th 1840. Aged 2 years 3 days
Wilford Jr Born March 22nd 1840.
Phebe Amelia Born March 4th 1842
Susan Cornelia Born July 25th 1843
Joseph Born in Liverpool, Eng. July [blank] 1845 Died Nov 11th 1846 Aged 1 year 4 m
Ezra Carter Born Dec 9th 1846 Died Dec 11th 1846 aged 2 days
Shuah Carter born Oct 28 1847 Died July 22nd 1848 aged 8 Mont[h]s & 25 days
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