Day in the Life

Sep 19, 1848

Journal Entry

September 19, 1848 ~ Tuesday

19th We took the parting hand with Br & Sister Moulton
[FIGURE] who had treated us kindly And we rode to Gray
And spent the night 50 m[iles]

During the evening we accompanied Rhoda Foss
to A lecture deliverd at the Teachers Institute the
subject was the oxigen of the human system. He said it was
the oxigen that entered the system that sustained life that we
recieved so much into our bodies each day And that we discha
rged so much each day we flung of so much oxigen at each
resperation He said the oxigen would meet with the Hydragen
& carbon & create a heat or cholorie & this was the cause of
the heat in man the same as it was with a burning lamp
And if oxigen should scease to be created in man he would
scease to breath or live. He explained the difference in Quantity
of the oxigen created from vegitables or animal food that
animal food produced far more oxigin than vegitable, And
that the body discharged oxigen much faster in cold cou-
ntries than in hot, & in cold weather than in warm And
advised that people subsist more upon Animal food in cold
weather than in hot. He had tried it by going without Animal food
for years And became convinced that it was injurious to him He
inioyed [enjoyed] much better health since he made use of Animal food
in cold weather fat meat produces oxigen in far greater
quantities than lean And believes this is one reason of the prevelant
fevers in Hot countrys & seasons that oxigen is created so
much faster than it discharges that it breaks the law of nature
And the man has to suffer in consequence of it oxigen is olso reci-
eved & discharged through the pores of the skin And ahence their
was great propriety in keeping the body clean & washing often
He urged the necessity & importance of having all dwelling
Houses school & meeting houses & all sleeping rooms well
ventilated our sleeping ho rooms should be the largest rooms in
the house instead of small bedrooms & them closed without
any fresh Air. go into A crouded room that is not well
ventilated And the air you breath is poison to the Human
system. Mothers should be careful to se to their children
that they do not lyie with their heads coverd up that they
need not breath the air under cover. the faster A person
respires or any creature the oftener he discharges oxigen &
the oftener he needs food & the shorter would be his life
without it A bird can ownly live 3 days without food A man
9 or 12 A child not as long while some Anaimals or reptiles
will live three months without it A child needs food much
oftener than A man it respires oftener discharges oxigen ofte
ner which needs replenishing oftener if A person lives without
food the elements pray upon the body itself to creates oxigen
the flesh waste away & the persons dies. it is the fat of the
bear, the ground Hog, & all Animals that burrow ufp for months
without eating that feeds the oxigen & keeps life in the ani
mal yet when he comes out he is poor. He also recommended
that we put on warm clothing when we begin to feel the
chill of Autum & not wait untill we feel the blast of winter

We should eat in the morning before we expose ourselves
to riding in the cold. And if we swished to save hay and
providnder give our cattle & stock warm stables in winte[r]
for it would take much more to sustain the system in
the open air He opposed the principle of Air tight stove
they were not healthy And many other remarks were
made by the speaker

I have discoverd in my travels of late in the eastern
states A great exhertion Among the people to improve thei[r]
system of education to make it interesting to the youth
& changing the mode of teaching the blackboard is int
roduced into the schools generally & it is found not
profitable to confine the scholar in one place not more
than an hour & are are giving attention to children of
weak lungs & stomach using gymnastics &c filling the
lungs with air & exploding it suddenly with sounds like
O, Bo, Ba &c loud to exercise the lungs making them stand
strait. I find many good things of this kind among
the people.

But when we look for the things
of the Kingdom of God it appears to me this nation
was never more barren than at the present time their
hearts seem to be bared up they are bound in bands
which are made strong & no man can loose them they
seem to be ripe for the Judgments of God And well
they may be inasmuch as they have rejected the gospel
shed the Blood of Prophets &Apostles & Patriarchs & drived
the church & Kingdom of God into the wilderness And have
finally been cut of from the Church & kingdom of
God by A general vote & Acclemation of the the Saints
of God with uplifted hands to heaven in the Temple of
the Lord at Nauvoo And who can expect to get access to
the hearts of this Nation now No one their condemnat
ion is made shure & their damnation slumbereth not


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Moulton, Freedom
31 Oct 1808 - 31 Jul 1857
40 mentions
Foss, Rhoda Harriet Richards
19 Apr 1830 - 19 Nov 1881
24 mentions
Moulton, Shuah Coffin Carter
20 Dec 1811 - 19 Jun 1905
89 mentions


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
from them on the and reached Scarborough on the second day The day after our return we had a family meeting in the evening at Father Carter's. Our father was present also our brother Joseph Fabyan Carter. We had a good time. I expressed my feelings in plainness concerning my course and the dealings of the Lord with and and Phebe did the same and said that her parents and friends would know in eternity why she had taken the course she had in leaving her father's house and following the Saints. The Spirit of the Lord was with us. Brother Fabyan Carter spoke for a few minutes and fFather Carter said he was satisfied with us and if there was a society of Saints where he could spend the few remaining days of his life which he had to spend on Earth


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Sep 19, 1848