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Day in the Life

Oct 10, 1848

Journal Entry

October 10, 1848 ~ Tuesday

10th I parted with the friends took cars & rode
to Newark & spent the night with Br Luke Provo[st]
No 4 Holsey's Court Newark N.J. 100 m


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Letter from Abraham Owen Smoot, 10 October 1848
I am happy to informe you that J. Bevin has this day concluded to returne to the states & has conpremesed his intrest in the crop at one third given Br Benbow possesion of the house, which will situate him to take charge of your goods according to your Directtion. You may quary in your mind what has become of your property, to which I would reply—there has been 2 of your best oxen butchered & used up in the family for beef one the indians got & Old Bille is yet alive but hardly able to get up when he is down. Your cow I surpose the wolves ate William & me has been both septd moree than a week in hunting your cattle & trying to keep them togeather Last winter without Enny compensation more than the interest felt for your wellfare But as often as we geatherd them togeather so often they was sat and gagain. But Let the above surpise on these matters & conclude by saying That our Conference Commenced on the 6th In. & agjorned from Sabath to Sabath untill all nessary buness is done The chorums of the chu- rch has been presented & receved by the conference in their respecttive grades & calling. But the Chorum of twelve is not fill up yet The old city plot is all Taken up & their is an addition Laying of on the East of the plot. Our farming Ladnds is partly [survised] for whi- ch we will cast Lots next week & all things seemes to be passing off well at present. I will Just observe that our crop turned up quite Light in consequence
Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine Notes 2
On the I parted with the Saints in Philadelphia and rode by rail to Newmark and the next day held a meeting at the house of brother Provost and organized a branch of the Church called the Newmark and Spring Garden


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Oct 10, 1848