I went to Boston And recieved 5 letters from
Phebe W Woodruff, Smith Tuttle, James Whiteheat, Edward
Cook, And Lydia Hartford. After seeing the water spout in the
common, I took cars with Br Nathaniel Corey And rode to New
Bedford spent the night with Gilbert Manchester 142 North second stret
I wrote two Letters to Phebe W Woodruff & James Whitehead 75 miles
I spent the day writing I wrote one letter to Lydia Hartfor
I read an account of the Temple at Nauvoo being burnt
on the 9th Oct by our enemies In reading the papers of
yesterday I learned that All Europe was filled with Blo[od]
war disrress And calamities of Almost evry kind Also
that the cholery had made its Appearance in London
Glasgow, Edinburgh, & others places in that country
truly the wrath of God is resting upon the gentile worl[d]
$1000000 worth of fishing boats were destroyed on the
coasts of Scotland in one storm & 150 fishermen lost
there lives Also $1000000 worth of Ameri[c]an shipping lost
in one storm on our coast.
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