Day in the Life

Nov 11, 1848

Journal Entry

November 11, 1848 ~ Saturday

A folded letter/box 11th We Got the New York sun And Herald they contained the
News from Europe And the returns of the election up tto the date of
their publications the Herrald of Nov 11th 1848 contained much infor-
mations, from Europe And America I recieved A letter from Dover


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Letter from Orson Hyde, 11 November 1848
Dear Bro. Woodruff, Kanesville . Your letter from Long Island was nice this evening, and I hasten to say to you that you should have written to Orson Pratt the same statements that you have written to me. He is the presiding officer of the Church in England, and Littlefield, it appears, has returned there and is under Bro. Pratts immediate jurisdiction. Such conduct as he is guilty of to all appearances, should be sufficient to cause his immediate ex- communication from the Church, and let him labor with his hands for his support, and return to this place if he has any desire to be Saved. If you have written to bro. Pratt concerning him all will be well; but if you have not, I wish you to do so, and add my sayings to your letter. Bro. Oliver Cowdry has assisted me to put up my press to day. Hase has returned here with his family—made his satisfaction to the Church and has been voted to the rec'd by baptism. I expect to baptize him tomorrow. I hope to get my paper out this month and shall forward it to you immediately thereafter. With regard to any particular trouble here, I have no fears at present. Still, I do not know what the Devil and wicked men may do. I am in the house of the Lord and so are they. His will be done. I have not acted

Nov 11, 1848