Day in the Life

Dec 9, 1848

Journal Entry

December 09, 1848 ~ Saturday

9th I rode to Guilsom And spent the night withi with
Chilon Mack, Soloman Mack & their Father Capt Mack
came in & spent the night with me. Capt Mack and the
Widow Lucy Smith Are brother & sister 30 m


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
when I rode to Guilsom and stayed with Chilon Mack Solomon Mack and their Father Capt. Mack came in and spent the night with me. Capt. Mack and Lucy Smith mother of the Prophet Joseph were brother and sister Next day was Sunday and I preached to the few Saints who were in that place and on the following day with Solomon Mack ^rode^ to Bro Waldos and next day ^the following^ to Walpole Branch where I found difficulties had existed for several years During the 5 following days I was at Alworth Peterboro and Lowell at which places I preached

Dec 9, 1848