Day in the Life

Dec 15, 1848

Journal Entry

December 15, 1848 ~ Friday

15th I spent the day in Peterborough I Attended their Auction
in the evening


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Letter from Orson Spencer, 15 December 1848
Liverpool . To Pres. Woodruff Dear Bro. Your kind Letter written last spring came duly to hand, & since I learnt your address, I have frequently resolved to make a written acknowledgement of your kindness as soon as a convienent opportunity should present. I have been obliged to cease my labors in the Office, through a protracted illness; but I have never lost sight of your kindness both to me & my family: and I hope hereafter to honor your memory for the same. My illness was caused by too long confinement to the Star Office; this produced indigestion and costiveness followed by piles of a very painful nature. But through the earnest faith of the Saints I am now pretty well restored to health. I have been travelling for near two months past among the Conferences preaching & stirring up the Churches to pay their Tithing. I feel encouraged to believe that I shall gather a pretty good sum for the Temple. There are several Saints expecting soon to come into possession of large sums of money, before I sail for America. From them (4 persons) I hope to receive several thousand pounds as tithing to gladden the hearts of the Saints in the Valley.

Dec 15, 1848