28th I perused the New York Herald Weekly ending Dec 203 1848
And turne which way I will, the signs of the times Are present-
ing scenes of Deep interest to the saint of God living at the
present time in the opening of this last Dispensation to prepare
the way for the coming of Christ to reign 1000 years on the earth
with his Saints. All the Nations of the earth at the present time
both Jew & JGentile Are presenting to the eye of men scenes that were
unlooked ^for^ by the ignorant or learned, the Philosopher, Asstronomer
Poet, Divine, Editor, Dr, Lawyier Statesman, President, Ruler King
Prince or Pope, which events are ownly understood by the man
of God inspired by the power of God & the gift of the Holy Ghost
such an one can perfectly understand the present signs of
the times. He can see the fulfillment of the words of the Lord
begining to present themselves According to the prediction of all
the Holy Prophets since the world began. such are the ownly
class who have faith in the litteral fulfillmen of all the Reve-
lations of Jesus Christ in the last days. They are the ownly
ones who understand their fulfillment as the events Are passing
before them, or that have cause to rejoice therein. to all others
the sequel of the present signs of the Times Are hid behind the
veil of doubts Darkness And uncertiainty