Day in the Life

Jun 17, 1849

Journal Entry

June 17, 1849 ~ Sunday

A humanoid
17th Sunday I preached to the Saints in Lowell. I read A Boo[k]
in the evening called Book of Captives Among the Indians
including Smith captivity. He gavee an interesting accoun
of A sacrafice offered up onto the Lord by An old Indian chi[ef]
who was nearly in a state of starvation & in great troub[le]
After purifying himself for 3 days with the best herbs He
could get He goes before the Lord And builds An Alter lays A ston
on the Ater And burns upon it all the tobaco He has And
says O though Great Spirit I Here offer up unto thee the
best thing I have, And all I have, And I know not when I
shall get any more. And I now pray thee to hear my praye[r]
& grant me my Petition which is this. Send A rain to
raise this river two feet & a half that my canoe can go into
the Lake (Erie) so I can meet my brethren. Give me one
Bear, 2 Beaver, & 3 coones. The Lord Herd his prayer & granted
his request in all thing. A rain came, the river rose 2 1/2 feet
that nighrt, He killed A bear, 2 Beaver, & 3 coones. How much
the sacrafice of this Indian chief wias like the offerings
of Ancient Israel. this exhample should teach even the Lat
Day Saints
A lesson let them offer their sacrafices as did this
Indians And their prayers will be herd And Answerd


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1 mention
Historical Figure, Native American


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Jun 17, 1849