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Day in the Life

Jul 1, 1849

Journal Entry

July 01, 1849 ~ Sunday

July 1st Sunday I preached to the saints at Turkey Cove at
Elder Wm H Wilsons He informed me that John Hopper still
holds all the property belonging to the Heirs of Nathaniel Turner
three in Number viz Nathaniel Rebecca & David Turner
John Hopper gave a recept to Nathaniel Turner for all
the property put into his hands. The above Named Child
should have a Guardean chosen who should hold those
recepts if they can be found & come down & settle it &
collect the money which can be obtained on presenting
the recepts which amounts to about $600.

we rode to Thomaston I spent the night at Br Knowlton
John Luce was sick I administered to him 16 m


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5 mentions
Luce, John G.
12 mentions
1 mention
1 mention
Turner, Nathaniel
26 Mar. 1838-aft. 1848
1 mention
14 mentions


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Jul 1, 1849