Day in the Life

Sep 30, 1849

Journal Entry

September 30, 1849 ~ Sunday

30th Sunday I met with the Saints in that place Cambridge-
Dr John M Burnhisel wmet with us & gave A rehersal of
Affairs in the valley which was interesting I followed him
with remarks. He has come east as A representative from
the valley to Washington Bearing our petition to Congress
for a Territorial Government, in the Great Basin of the
Rocky Mountains. At the close of the Meeting A collection
was taken up to defray his expenses toon the way of $22.05
A hand pointing to the right I wrote A letter in the evening to the Bradford Branch
Recommending to the Bradford Branch Br Burnhisel


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Bernhisel, John Milton
23 Jun 1799 - 28 Sep 1881


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
On Sunday the I met with the Saints in Cambridgeport. Dr John M. Bernhisal met with us and gave a rehersal of affairs in the Valley which was interesting. He had come as a representative from the Valley to Washington bearing our petition to Congress for a Territorial government Copy of a Letter Received From the First Presidency. Great Salt Lake City July 25, 1849. Dear Brother Woodruff, As our mail is now making up for the States we cannot let so favourable an opportunity of communicating with you pass unimproved. Our prospects for grain are tolerably good and if we are not flooded with immigration intending for the mines but compelled to tarry here we should have plenty for the ensuing year. Our wheat harvest is now at its height and is coming off far better than appearance seemed to warrant The spirit of industry which has ever characterized the Saints

Sep 30, 1849