Day in the Life

Oct 5, 1849

Journal Entry

October 05, 1849 ~ Friday

5th Dr Burnhisel spent the Afternoon with me & walked through
the city of Boston together As He had lived with President
Joseph Smith & his family for years was with him in prision
the morning He was masacreed, our conversation turned upon
the subject of his life & death. Among other remarks he inform-
ed me that Brother Joseph Addressed his remarks to him alone
when He said "I am going as A Lamb to the slaughter, yet I
shall deyie with a concience void of offence towards god and
man. I feel as calm as A summers morning (And the expr-
ession of his countenance showed that he was so) "He said it will
yet be said of me that He was murdered in cold blood." other
remarks were made concerning the Saints building up the kingdom
of God
& there reward for so doing.

I Parted with Brother
Burnhisel & I returned home I wrote A letter to Br J G Hardy
A hand pointing to the right By Brother Burnhisel to recommend him to them. Soon after
I arived home Elders Little & Hardy called & spent the night
with me. We conversed untill one oclok at night.


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Little, Jesse Carter
26 Sep 1815 - 26 Dec 1893
Bernhisel, John Milton
23 Jun 1799 - 28 Sep 1881
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Hardy, Leonard Wilford
31 Dec 1805 - 31 Jul 1884
233 mentions


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October 5, 1849 ~ Friday 5th Dr Burnhisel spent the Afternoon with me & walked through the city of Boston together As He had lived with President Joseph Smith & his family for years was with him in prision the morning He was masacreed, our conversation turned upon the subject of his life & death. Among other remarks he inform- ed me that Brother Joseph Addressed his remarks to him alone when He said "I am going as A Lamb to the slaughter, yet I shall diye with a concience void of offence towards god and man. I feel as calm as A summers morning (And the expr- ession of his countenance showed that he was so) "He said it will yet be said of me that He was murdered in cold blood," other remarks were made concerning the saints building up the kingdom of God & there reward for so doing.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
with me and he related some of The Last Words of Joseph the Prophet Brother Bernhisel had lived in the family of President Joseph Smith for years and was with him in prison on the morning of the day of his martyrdom. He informed me that Brother Joseph addressed his remarks to him alone when he said "I am going as a Lamb to the slaughter yet I shall die with a conscience void of offence towards God and man. I feel as calm as a summer's morning" and the expression of his countenance showed that he was so. He added "It will yet be said of me that he was murdered in cold blood" Elders Little and Hardy called upon me and spent the evening. The papers at this time wasere stirred up and devoted considerable attention to the affairs of the Latter-day Saints their organizing a state government and the election of Brigham Young as Governor.

Oct 5, 1849