Day in the Life

Oct 8, 1849

Journal Entry

October 08, 1849 ~ Monday

8th A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I rote A letter to the saints in Mansfield councelled them
to be organized. I also wrote A letter toof recommendation to
Elder Sweat I then took cars & rode to Boston & spent the
night with my family I also recieved A letter from Brother
Solomon Mack of Guilsom distance 45 m


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3 mentions
Swett, William
abt. 1806-1876


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October 5, 1849 ~ Friday 5th Dr Burnhisel spent the Afternoon with me & walked through the city of Boston together As He had lived with President Joseph Smith & his family for years was with him in prision the morning He was masacreed, our conversation turned upon the subject of his life & death. Among other remarks he inform- ed me that Brother Joseph Addressed his remarks to him alone when He said "I am going as A Lamb to the slaughter, yet I shall diye with a concience void of offence towards god and man. I feel as calm as A summers morning (And the expr- ession of his countenance showed that he was so) "He said it will yet be said of me that He was murdered in cold blood," other remarks were made concerning the saints building up the kingdom of God & there reward for so doing.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Joseph Russell, 8 October 1849
Miramichi Beloved Brother Woodruff your Esteemed favor came Duely to hand of Date 24th August, we wear very happey to know of your safe aravel in the bo^o^som of your Famely and finding them all will, and you agine Injoying the Blissings of Helth ^with^ them, no dute it was a boring passige for the destince but it des not follow that bad Efacts Results from sea sickness—when I Receved your letter we weare all Injoying good helth Just as you left us us with thankfulness to owr father in Heaven ther is no dout but but you will think that I have been very neglent in not writing sooner my only Reson was that the Seals of the property was drawing nigh. I thought that I wold know the ^Spirit of the^ publuck on the matter before my Repley before the day of the seal I seed that ther was but ^littel^ prospact, under that vewe I gave the terems of the seal under three Instalments say one therd on delevery and the other too therd pabel in the first of June (51) the other in (52) the same deal, yet it ^was^ to no purpose althow ther was a great Crowd of genteel men gathered of owr most Respactablety and some frome [predevacton] and [sats Johns] they bid up to five hunderd pounds, only to proove my Infatuation and mead a stop, to convence them ^of my cencirety^ I then bid £750 ther was not ^then^ an other bed, but as with one consent came to me and shake Hand sayend after you get over this Br Russell you will carry on brisker then Ever & there is non but thinks it is some plan in me or that I am in a franzy. Howver three days after I was mead an offer of £600, as a

Oct 8, 1849