Day in the Life

Nov 14, 1849

Journal Entry

November 14, 1849 ~ Wednesday

14th I Accompanied Olive to the rail road who took cars
& returned home to Saco. During the evening in company
with Brother Cannon I Attended one of Le Roy Sunderland
Lectures upon Patheism. He had some 10 persons in a state
of clarvoyance And About a dozen asleep And many affected
in the first degree. He classes his Mesmerism under 3 degrees
1–2–3 But it is evidant in a great measure that his operation
are a money making scheme those in the third degree are trained
subjects And I could freequently see the cloven foot manifest


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6 mentions
Historical Figure
Woolley, Olive C. Foss
12 Apr 1835 - 7 Apr 1877
9 mentions


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Church membership 51,839; population of Utah Territory 11,380; population of United States 23,192,000.

Nov 14, 1849