Day in the Life

Nov 22, 1849

Journal Entry

November 22, 1849 ~ Thursday

22nd At Office 9 west street opposite the Boston Boat peer 2
North River C. W. Brush Brother Swett got ticket for Cincinna-
through in 4 days via Buffalo & Schenectadey for $14. I towok
steemer at 4 oclock rode all night


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1 mention
Swett, William
abt. 1806-1876


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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
The next day ^^ was Sunday the forepart of which was spent in reading and conversing with Father Corner and his family and in the ^In the^ afternoon and evening ^of Sunday 22^ we held public meeting when four offered themselves for baptism but it had been with hard labouring and much expence that we had obtained this little success in the establishment of the work in London I commenced this day a long epistle to my wife in which I sent her about thirty extracts from letters for her to present to the Editors of the Times and Seasons for them to publish as they thought fit. The Sunday following I again preached twice and baptized and confirmed three. These were The First Baptized by me in London Next day I took a very interesting walk with Dr Wm. Copeland through every part of the college of surgeons at Lincoln's Inn Fields and on my return home I was soon joined by Elders Brigham Young and Kimball who had come to spend a week or two in London. This was the first time ever President Brigham Young was in the metropolis of England We met for meeting at the Academy Wednesday evening when brother Brigham preached followed by brother Heber. We had a good time Next day we took a walk through the city and visited and held conversation with several one of whom was an Italian, a sculptor and


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Church membership 51,839; population of Utah Territory 11,380; population of United States 23,192,000.

Nov 22, 1849