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Day in the Life

Jan 17, 1850

Journal Entry

January 17, 1850 ~ Thursday

17 [FIGURES] I wrote 2 letters to J. C. Little & T Cartwright I wrote Copways
Address I recieved 2 letters from J C Little & E Whipple Elders Barn &
Pierce spent the evening with me I read the Epistle letters & some Journal to them


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28 mentions
17 mentions
Little, Jesse Carter
26 Sep 1815 - 26 Dec 1893
172 mentions
Cartwright, Thomas
23 Dec 1814 - 9 Jan 1873
29 mentions

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Letter from John Milton Bernhisel, 17 January 1850
Washington City Dear Brother, Your kind favor of the 10th was received yesterday. The intelligence from the valley is quite cheering. The discovery of a coal an iron are of far more value to us than a gold mine would be. Since my arrival here I have been pretty busy among grave Senators, impulsive representatives of the people, and other functionaries. Business progresses very slowly in Congress, the organ- ization of the House is not yet completed, though more than six weeks of the session have already passed. Though there is scarcely a ray of hope of our admission into the Union as a State, the prospect of our obtaining a territorial ^organization^ is far from being discouraging, and an influential Senator has given me encouragement to hope that we may be authorized to elect our own officers. Some time ago I understood that Mr Stanton of Kentucky had received a remonstrance to our memorial. I suspect- ed its character and called to see him, he kindly favored me with a perusal of it. It charges us with a number of the foulest deeds & abominations in the dark catalogue of crimes, and is signed by William Smith and thirteen others. Mr Stanton was very friendly, but deemed it his duty to present it in the House. On the 31st Ult. Senator [sideways text] The probability is that our application for a government will not be disposed of before May or June July or August. Dr. J. M. Bernhisel, Jan 16 1850 Answered him Jan 25 1850 [end of sideways text]


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Church membership 51,839; population of Utah Territory 11,380; population of United States 23,192,000.

Jan 17, 1850