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Day in the Life

Jan 23, 1850

Journal Entry

January 23, 1850 ~ Wednesday

23rd [FIGURE] I recieved 2 letters from Thomas Cartwright & S. Wells


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Wells, Samuel
7 mentions
Cartwright, Thomas
23 Dec 1814 - 9 Jan 1873
29 mentions

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Letter from Jonas Livingston, 23 January 1850
Claremont Brother Woodruff Dear sir—Your kind favour came duly to hand in due time, and I have carefully Examined its contence, with pleasure—although much of the information which it contains, I had already obtained, through the Fronteir Gardian, and from other sources, for although I have been far distant from the Saints, I have taken pains to keep myself informed of their doings, and its gives me much pleasure to here of there prosperity, at there newe home. You ask me to settle up my bussness in the States and go with you company to the Salt Lake next spring, if I could see my way clear to do so, I think I should be much inclined to make the attempt, but the situation of my famely is such, together with my bussness affaies that it will not be practible, for me to go for a yeare or two yet, you may think by these Excuses that I do not intend to Ever go, but if I know myself which I acknowlage is much for a man to know, I do intend, to make anothr trial to git an inheritance among the Saints, at some futer time to myself yet unknown, my makeing the attempt once has not dishartened me, although I was betrayed by men, who I had fed & Lodged in my House, and made them welcom, thinking I was doing the will of him who sees all over


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Church membership 51,839; population of Utah Territory 11,380; population of United States 23,192,000.

Jan 23, 1850