Day in the Life

Feb 4, 1850

Journal Entry

February 04, 1850 ~ Monday

4th I had an interview with Br Whipple in the morning & conv-
ersed upon a variety of things I wrote 3 letters to D Turner
A hand pointing to the right I. F. Carter & J Johnson I went to Boston Mrs Woodruf
took cars for Portland to spend a week with her friends


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Carter, Ilus Fabyan
8 Nov 1816 - 11 Dec 1888
409 mentions
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions


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Letter from Orson Hyde, 4 February 1850
Kanesville Bro Woodruff Dear Sir I herewith send you an account of Some Subscribers in the east, and the terms of their subscription which I wish you on your travels to see to, if you can. Isaiah W. Taylor Lynn Mass 1 Year Paid subscription out Thomas Proctor Marble Head 1 [Year Paid subscription ont] Gilbert Manchester New Bedford due from him $1.00 Daniel P. Baldwin Cambridge Port Subscription and three papers over M. Cannon Cambridge Port due from him $1.00 Nathan Eldridge Cape Cod (2 copies) 6 months over time $2.00 Benjamin Watts Roxburg Subscription out Daniel Davenport So Boston 6 Mons over time $1.00 John Duckworth Henry Druce James Sanderson Richard Allen Spring St Fall River Six months each over time and due from each $100 $4.00 Richard Coulters Subscription out Josiah G. Hardy East Bradford (2 copies) 1 Year out George P. Smith Medford term out and 3 papers over Horace Hatch Fally x Roads term out & 2 papers over Job Parkhurst Wardsboro Vt Subscription out Israel Woodwards Halifax [Vt Subscription out] and 2 papers over Will Bro Woodruff collect what may be due if he consistently can,
Letter from Orson Pratt and Sarah Marinda Bates Pratt, 4 February 1850
Liverpool Dear Sister Wodruff Mr Pratt received a letter from Pres. Woodruff this morning, which gave us much news and much joy, and likewise put me in mind again of writing to you, for many times I have thought I would sit down and write to you, but a multiplicity of cares has prevented until now, my family are all quite well at present except my self, my own health is not as good as when I was in America I was quite sick last night, and write with a trembling hand this morning, this climate seems to damp to be healthy, we have a little daughter her s about six weeks old. I hope the Lord will spare her unto us if it is pleasing in his sight, for we much desire to keep those little ones which is given unto us. no I enjoy my self vary much in this land, I have no desire to return until it is our duty to do so. I am vary happy, in the society of my husband and family I think we never enjoy'd our selves better. the work is rolling on rapidly, them truth is progressing among this wicked generation, and this causes our hearts to rejoice, and our souls to be made glad, we shall sloy be looking for four of the twelve, and many other Elders to arrive soon, we shall be much pleased to see them, no doubt you well know how this seems to be situated


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Church membership 51,839; population of Utah Territory 11,380; population of United States 23,192,000.

Feb 4, 1850