Day in the Life

Sep 15, 1850

Journal Entry

September 15, 1850 ~ Sunday

15th Sunday we travled 6 miles & camped at the crossing of
the sweet water 8 miles east of the south pass Brother Woolley

and his company camped near us Brothers Woolley
& N H Felt Attended our meeting in the evening & we had
A lengthy meeting they preached some strong doctrin for
some of the congregation we had a good meeting And the spirit
of the Lord was with us


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Business/Financial - List of Supplies Account Book, 1850-1855
By 2 pair childrens shoes 2 00 By cash paid H peck 3 00 By cash paid Brown in Foots Company 7 00 By goods to pay L W Gallop 14 60 By 70 lbs sugar to S. Smith 7 By 73 lbs sugar & 1 keg nails L Hardy 13 30 By goods to pay M Gardner on Bill 20 92 By goods to pay Beach 24 50 By goods to pay Jacobs for lbs on his for W W 3 By goods to pay for 40 bushels potatoes 40 By goods to pay for Fowls 3 By goods to pay Baylis for shingle 5 50 Carried forward $2437 05


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Sep 15, 1850