Day in the Life

Mar 2, 1851

Journal Entry

March 02, 1851 ~ Sunday

Keys crossed March 2nd 1851 Sunday The Assembly was addressed
By P. P. Pratt as A farewell address on his taking his
leave on a foreign mission. Among his remarks He
said He had been connected with this Church about
twenty one years. He had laboured travled Joyed sorrowed
felt & experienced with them during that time He had
seen men rise & fall & one thing He wished to speak
off He had seen many of the sisters inat various times
feel disposed to marry out of the Church & think their is
no harm in it they can marry a Gentile and no harm
in it. But what is the truth in the case it is the same now as anci-
ently for instance in the days of Noah the daughters of Noah
married out of the Church in some instances & were not saved
with him in the ark but they & their seed were cut off from
the Earth forever. So with Lot some of his daughters
married Gentiles out of the Church while in Sodom & Gomorrow
And would not go out with their Father Lot but were destroy-
ed they & their posterity from off the Earth so it is with the
sisters in the Church in this day those who marry out of the
Church marry those who are doomed to destruction & their
posterity while those who are in the Church & are faithful
will live & their children to the last Generation. Brother
Pratt exhorted the Saints to unite in building up the kingdom
of God
He felt that their was a good spirit generally prevail-
ing in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He was
going on a long mission He wanted the prayers of the Saints in
his behalf & those who were going with him that they might
save the soluls of men & open the gospel to those of other tongues
& languages. I think the time has come when it should be done
but I feel that I can do nothing of myself in this matter exc[ept]
the Lord helps me. I feel thankful that I can leave my family
& children here in the midst of the Saints I do not wish
to go to the states to preach the gospel to the nation that has driven
us out if they want the Gospel let them come and ask for it
as we have travled with Blistered feet to carriey it to them &
then, then they would curse us for it many other good
remarks were made by Elder Pratt.

President Young Addressed the meeting some minutes before
it closed concerning the Building of the public works & other things
we met in the upper room for Prayer & had a good time


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3441 mentions
Apostle, Family
45 mentions
Scriptural Figure
104 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Pratt, Parley Parker
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
548 mentions

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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
Sunday was the and Parley P. Pratt delivered to the assembly his farewell address previous to his leaving upon his mission to ^South America.^ The Sunday following Jedediah M. Grant spoke well on prayer faith industry and other matters and was followed by President Kimball During the intermission President Young Kimball and the Twelve called upon Brother Richards, and his sister Rhoda lay at the point of death. We administered unto her and President Young said she should live and not die at this time. In the afternoon President Brigham Young addressed the congregation upon the subject of building the Temple Tithing & labour on the public works. He said if every man was willing to do what was right there would be no nead of tithing. He would not be responsible personally for the labour of every man on the public works If the people paid their tithing the workmen would get their pay. If we build Temples public works or fit out missionaries to go abroad or feed the poor it had to be by the tithing of the people He also spoke to^of^ the merchants and said that if they did not get their pay from those whom they trust they were not to turn round up the Presidency and Church for it. Last Session of the Legislature of the State of Deseret.


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Mar 2, 1851