Day in the Life

May 16, 1851

Journal Entry

May 16, 1851 ~ Friday

16th Met with the citizens to agree upon electing officers
President Young said that He cared nothing about the feelings
of the Nations who had driven us out. we should not follow
in the path of political foolary we should have one candidate
& but one as delegate to congress we can speak our feelings
freely Here but when we vote let it be for the candidate of our
choice should we have two candidates & they have about
eqal votes the United States would know we had apostitized
from our faith & union or we were trying to deceive them
we would stand Better in their eyes to take our own indepe-
ndant course & act united. if we have but one track
the Saints will walk on it if we have two tracks their will
be A plenty of Devils to run on them. If we Begin right
we shall go right if we Begin rowrong we shall keep wrong
the United States are afraid of our union & so is the world
In speaking of the Indians He said these Indians were the
descendants of the old gadianton robers who infested these
Mountains for more than a thousand years.

We dined together in the city of Parowan & then left
amid the roar of cannon & drove to red creek & camped
for the night. About 30 of the citizens returned with us
to go Back to the Great Salt Lake City


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3441 mentions
Apostle, Family


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
On the the day on which we had concluded to return we met the citizens to agree upon electing officers President Young said he cared nothing about the feelings of the nation who had driven us out. We should not follow in the path of the political foolery. We should have one candidate and but one as delegate to Congress. We can speak our feelings freely here but when we vote let it be for the candidate of our choice. Should we have two candidates and they have about equal votes the United States would know we had appostatized from our faith and union or the^at^ we were trying to decieve them. We shall stand better in their eyes to take our own indipendant course and act united^ly^. If we have but one track the Saints will walk on it: if we had two tracks there would be plenty of devils to run on them. If we begin right we shall go right we shall go right if we begin wrong we shall go wrong^.^ The United States are affraid of our union and so is all the world I^n^ speaking of the Indians he said these Indians are the descendants of the old Gadianton robbers who infested the mountains for more than a thousand years We dined together in the city of


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May 16, 1851