Day in the Life

Jul 4, 1851

Journal Entry

July 04, 1851 ~ Friday

July 4th [FIGURE] In celebration of the Independance of America
the city of the great Salt Lake poured forth her inhabitants who
went forth in good order towith her Legion of mighty men
As an escort to the Govornor & citizens of the state the company
aorganized at the Temple square & started at 9 oclok in the
morning to take a ride to the great Salt Lake their was about
140 carriages of waggons besides the Horsemen the car
containing the Band of Musicoions was drawn by 16 mules we
arived at the rock on the Lake at 2 oclock A.M [p.m.] we had
A meeting was addressed by Govornor Young & several
orators who spoke much to the edifycation of the people in
the evening many went into the salt lake to bathe at 10 oclk
the signal was given for prayers when all assembled in
the carrell or circle And prayer was offered up before
God & the encampment retired to rest we were 24 miles
from the city


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3470 mentions
Apostle, Family


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
In ^the^ celebration of the Indipendance of America the city of the Great Salt Lake poured forth her inhabitants in good order with her "Legion" of military ^men^ as an escort to the Governer and citizens. The procession organized at the Temple square at 9 o'clock in the morning to take a ride to the Great Salt Lake. There were about 140 carriages and waggons besides the horsemen. The car containing the band of musicians was drawn by 16 mules We arrived at the ^Black^ rock on the Lake at 2 o'clock. We held a meeting wasere addressed by Governor Young and several orators who spoke much to the edification of the people. In the evening many went into the Salt Lake to bathe. At 10 o'clock the fif signal was given for prayers when all assembled within the correll prayers were offered up & the encampment retired to rest. It was as pleasant a Fourth of July as I ever spent and my family was with me. Next day we returned to Great Salt Lake City. Discourse Delivered by President Brigham Young


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Jul 4, 1851