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Day in the Life

Jul 27, 1851

Journal Entry

July 27, 1851 ~ Sunday

27th Sunday I attended meeting we had a good day. Brother
Kimball addressed the meeting a part of the day among other remarks
He said Jesus Christ was the first Born of the Father & He was
the candidate & elected to redeem the world. Lucipher set
up as a candidate to run against Jesus Christ but He was overcome
& thrust down to Hell with all that followed him and we will have
no more division henceforth & forever in Israel we will have but one
candidate for office but No opposition. All will be elected &
proven. If a person is qualifyed to fill a greater station than he holds


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Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1402 mentions


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Jesus Christ was the first Born of the Father & He was the candidate & elected to redeem the world. Lucipher set up as a candidate to run against Jesus Christ but He was overcome & thrust down to Hell with all that followed him and we will have no more division henceforth & forever in Israel we will have but one candidate for office but No opposition.
~ Heber C. Kimball


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Jul 27, 1851