Day in the Life

Jan 21, 1853

Journal Entry

January 21, 1853 ~ Friday

21st [FIGURE] Our Legislature closed this night it sat till a vary
late hour bothe houses sat in Joint session with the govornor
& they closed with the best of feelings on all sides speeches were
made by the members speaker President & Govornor the
Govornor said in refference to diversion that He never wished
to see any sport made of any mans religion or the mane [name] of God
or the Sav^i^our named in sport it always grieved him to hear it
& he did not wish to have any of his friends call for any
play or scenery whare he was present that would call forth
any thing of the kind many good remarks were made by all
who spoke. The clerk of the House said that He had never called the roll
during the session but what there was a quorum present
& the speker had never had an occasion to call any metn [meeting]
to order neither had one member ever called another to order


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3441 mentions
Apostle, Family


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Now is the time to get your salvation & exhaltation it has to be done here your words thought acts & deeds are daily either Exhalting or debasing you if you are not geting your exhaltation here you will not get it hereafter then try to improve your time here & get salvation daily if you pay strct attention to yourselves in all things you will not have much time to attends to the faults of your neighbors
~ Brigham Young

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Letter from John Milton Bernhisel, 21 January 1853
Washington Dear Brother, On the 10th instant I received your communication of the 30th of October, enclosing a draft from J. C. Little on me, in favor of Sanborn & Carter, of Portland, Maine. I remitted to the latter gentlemen the amount in the form of a draft on a banking house in the city of New York, together with the draft, which has this morning been returned to me receipted. Yours very truly John M. Bernhisel Mr. Woodruff
Letter from Ozem Thompson Woodruff and Wilford Woodruff Jr., 21 January 1856
Richland Dear Brother and Father I received your last letters and was glad to here that you are all well. Ms. [D] Electta Woodruff was confined [Hous] 28 she has a daughter hir healthe iss very poor in concequence off hir cile and stomack itis the liver comp hir cile smells bad we have 3 livein children one buoy and 2 girls laste summer was the dryest ever know laste Sept the grasshoppers destro moste Everythinge the winter very rain open a littele snow a greatetest off snowhay from 10 to 12 dollars pr tone pork 7 pr hundred beef from 4 to 5 dol flower 5 dollars per barrel wheat 100 per bushels corn 75 cts per bushels oats 37 21/2 cts potatoes no roat 31 1/2 cts butter has been 20 cts per pound is 16 chickens 18 cts eggs 15 cts per dozen fraut [fruit] very plenty this season. I sold my apples last fall at picken time in the orchard at 37 1/2 cts per bushels they furnished barrels dryed fruit last fall was one dollar per bushels is now 1420 ^125^ cts Andrew and I went afishing afew
Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
night of the


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Wilford appointed clerk and historian of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles at age 45.
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Jan 21, 1853