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Day in the Life

May 25, 1854

Journal Entry

May 25, 1854 ~ Thursday

Thursday 25 we rode to a creek & bated we then rode to
another creek & bated we here had a hard rain & Hail storm
but we rode to the severe & spent the night 33 miles


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Discourse 1854-05-25
Elder W Woodruff use by request I make a few remarks to commence the Council this evening perhaps much ma[y] be said by various individuals & therefore I do not want to throw awa[y] a word it is very evident that there is something wrong here we want you to be free we ask the Bishop the President the High Council & all of you to be free & not feel trammelled what is the matter here? if you are not satisfied with your Prest tell it! & if he is not satisfied with you, tell it! the devil is to pa[y] where we are not united every man knows we ought to work together it is not for any man to trample upon the rights of the people but he should work for the interests of the people it is for the authorities to bind the hearts of the people together they should try to find out the wants of the people & if I were a member I should work out & carry out his counsel we want you to prosper & not feel oppressed but if you can not sustain your bishop or President tell us the reason why you can not sustain him.


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May 25, 1854