Day in the Life

Jun 14, 1854

Journal Entry

June 14, 1854 ~ Wednesday

14 [FIGURE] we had a hard rain storm through this day and
An arrow a great deal of Heavy hail fell one child was drowned
& another nearly killed a cloud broak & the water came down
in torents it washed away a part of the city wall & much
damage was done to houses & gardens on little cotton wood
the Hail cut evry thing to the ground gardens corn & wheat
was destroyed also at North cotton wood it was the same
Nearly all glass was broaken out of the windows


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Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
On the we had a hard rain storm and a great deal of heavy hail fell. One child was drowned and another nearly killed A cloud broke and the water came down in torrents. It washed away much of the city wall and much damage was done to houses and gardens. On little Cottonwood the hail cut everything down Gardens corn and wheat were destroyed. It was also the same at North Cottonwood. Nearly all the glass was broken out of the windows With Mrs Woodruff and most of my family the next day I drove my waggon to South Weber Fort and we spent the night at brother Kington's with whom I spent the following day and preached to the people upon the subject of walling in their city and educating their children; and to the sisters I spoke about forming a female society to make clothing to clothe the Indian woman and children Returning to Great Salt Lake City next day we nooned at brother Ezra Clark's and I saw his carriage (top and sides) was cut to pieces with the hail. Hail there fell as large as a small hen's egg. We rode through one hail drift two feet deep washed by the water down the creek On the Sunday Orson Spencer and Orson Hyde preached in the forenoon and in the afternoon Elder Thomas Bullock gave an account of his mission to the Shushonees On the Monday President Young and company


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Jun 14, 1854