Day in the Life

Feb 15, 1855

Journal Entry

February 15, 1855 ~ Thursday

15th I spent the day studying & I met with the board of
the universal scientific society at the Historians office
we spent several hours together in laying plans for the
edifications of the people when they assemble together the board
wished me to deliver an opening address on saturday evening
before the society


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Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
On the the Society again met at the Historian's Office. We spent several hours together in laying plans for the instruction and edification of the people. The Board wished me to deliver an opening address. I spent part of the next day at the Historian's Office examining my Journal containing Joseph's sermons preparatory for publication in the Church History. Our Views Concerning the Government It had been given out a week previous that President Young


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Feb 15, 1855