Day in the Life

Mar 22, 1855

Journal Entry

March 22, 1855 ~ Thursday

22nd I spent a part of the day ploughing in the afternoon I attended
the Mayor's court the military officers had entered complaint
against some boys for running Horses by them & insulting them in
the street the suit was dismissed on account of no law against

running horses & the officers had the cost to pay


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Grant, Jedediah Morgan
25 Feb 1816 - 1 Dec 1856
281 mentions
Apostle, Zion's Camp

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Letter from Elisha Wilcox, 22 March 1855
nd 1855. My Dear Brother I received your letter last night and I am now going to tell you what I have been about The first year I bought that Ox I raized bread enough to do me and very little to spare but wheat fell from $5.00 to 50 cts a bushell and at the time I came to see you you told me you could not turn the wheat to advantage and you had enough to serve you. It would have taken 70 bush of wheat to have paid for that Ox besides the hauling it to Salt Lake City My son lost the best Ox we ever had a short time after which left me without a team again. The Saleratus has eaten up my crops for 3 suceeding Summer and having to purchase my bread stuff it has brought me to the lowest to get my family 11 in number bread to sustain life My prayers have ascended to heaven for the lord to soften your heart ever since I bought the Ox, and I should have raized you the money last fall but my bishop called on me
Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
In the afternoon of the I attended the Mayor's Court. The military officers had entered complaint against some boys for running horses by them and insulting them in the streets. The suit was dismissed on account of their being no law against running horses and the officers had the costs to pay


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Mar 22, 1855