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Day in the Life

Sep 20, 1855

Journal Entry

September 20, 1855 ~ Thursday

20th we met at the social Hall for a public meeting of
the Horticulteral society. Our constitution & by laws were
red & adopted & a sample of Fruit from the best orchards
in the city was exhibited & then distributed to the Assemble
then adjorned till the 27th


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Discourse 1855-09-20
Prest Woodruff felt grateful for the privilege of seeing the delightful exhibition ^of fruit^ this evening—& stated the business of the evening, ^which was, to^ m presenting the Constitution & Laws as far as prepared—& exhorted all present to improve their time in planting seeds, for what is presented ^this evening^ are but seedlings—not inoculated fruit which will compare with seedlings, in ^Philadelphia, New York or Liverpool or^ any ^other^ country in the old settled States. many persons have an idea it takes a long life to raise fruit, & yet here is fruit raised from stones ^planted^ three years ago—& ^he^ read a report of what he has raised on 20 feet by 50 feet. I consider this experiment proof against any argument against raising fruit in these vallies—(& then presented ^exhibited^ the several samples to their observation ^of the assembly.)^ some of the best specimens have ripened and are gone eaten & cannot therefore be shown. but you can be interested enough to raise a sufficiency of fruit for yourselves—& also sustain a Horticultural society.
Discourse 1855-09-20
Prest Woodruff—It is now about time to bring our speeches to a close, & distribute the peaches ^fruit^, which haves been donated by the several individuals—& I hope you will carefully plant the Stones ^seeds,^ & when you eat ^the^ fruit ^thereof^ remember that it is the product of the first Horticultural meeting in this valley--
Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine Notes 3
On the at the Social Hall in a public meeting of the Horticultural Society our constitution and bye laws were unanimously adopted upon their reading and a sample of fruit from the best Orchards of the city was exhibited and then distributed to the Assembly. We adjourned till the 27th.


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Sep 20, 1855