^ Oct 6th 1855 Saturday A General Conference of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints met at
the bowery at 10 oclok this morning which Held three
days Ended monday night Oct 8th There were prese[n]t
during this conference all the First Presidency & P. P. Pratt
O. Pratt W. Woodruff G A. Smith E. T. Benson, L. Snow
& Erastus Snow of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
& the other Authorities of the Church & about ten
thousand of the Saints all the procedings of this confer[ence]
is published in the Deseret News of October 10th 1855
so I deem it unnecessary to publish it in this Journal
At hthis conference E. T. Benson & Erastus ^Lorenzo^ Snow were
appointed missions to England & P. P. Pratt O. Pratt
& W Woodruff of the Twelve were appointed Home missions
with many others in Utah Territory.
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