Day in the Life

Dec 11, 1855

Journal Entry

December 11, 1855 ~ Tuesday

11th I spent the fore part of the day in writing & study I met with
the council at 1 oclok at 2 oclok we met in Joint session The Governor
appeared & deliverd his message 1000 copies was ordered to be printed it
was resolved that 100 copies of the minutes of each day should be printed
for the benefit of the two Houses The Secretary A. W. Babbit arose &
insulted the Assembly to a great Degree by threatening them that their
bills should not be paid if they printed that Number he wished to dictate
to the assembly what they should do which was out of his place. The
Govornor arose & gave the Secretary a hard lashing with his Tongue
& said he ought to be kicked out of the house, as a poor miserable
dog. Babbit followed & said he had as good a wright to occupy the
Governor seat as the governor had & made use of much insulting
language. The Assembly then resolved that the freedom of the House
be withheld from the Secretary A. W. Babbit the Assemby adjourned
till tomorrow 10 oclok at ther several Houses. The Secretary threatened
to take all the money & return to the Salt Lake City & pay no more
expenses for the Legislator He was under the influence of liquor


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3466 mentions
Apostle, Family


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Wilford serves on Board of Directors of Deseret Agriculture and Manufacturing Society.

Dec 11, 1855