11th I spent the day in the Presidents upper room with the committee
to work on the reader. President Young kindly offered the committee
his upper room to work in while getting out the Books.
We met with the regency this evening at the Presidents upper
room the work of the committee was red & excepted the rema-
inder of the evening was occupied by exercises upon the black board
Another committee of revision or examination was appointed to
assist us who were appointed as the first committee. President
Brigham Young has had his mind deeply exercised upon the getting
up of the Deserett Alphabet & carrying it into the practical use. He has
laboured hard from the begining upon this subject & we are now
making Books under his direction to be published in this Alphabet
we have got to get the type made as the letters are entirely new
from any others now in use. I am satisfyed that great good will
grow out of the Deseret Alphabet it is an entire change of the English
Auorthography of our English language, it spelsls all words by sound
The committee who were last chosen were A. Carrington D. H. Wells &
Wm Willis
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