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Day in the Life

Feb 17, 1856

Journal Entry

February 17, 1856 ~ Sunday

17thSunday I attended the meeting in the Tabernacle. Father Isaac
spoke to the people for a short time & was followed by President
Brigham Young in a vary interesting manner. G D Watt reported &
it is published in the [blank] No [blank] Vol of the Deserett News I
attended prayer meeting in the evening circle. President Young asked
Elder Orson Pratt what He thought of his preaching that intelligent
beings would continue to learn to all Eternity. O. Pratt said that He believed
the Gods had a knowledge at the present time of evry thing that ever
did exhist to the endless ages of all Eternity. He believed it as much
as any truth that he had ever learned in or out of this church. President
Young remarked that he had never learned that principle in the Church
for it was not taught in the church for it was not true it was fals doctr-
. For the Gods & all intelligent Beings would never scease to learn
except it was the sons of perdition they would continue to decrease
untill they became dissolved back into their native Element & lost
their Identity.

In speaking of this people He said
if they would behave half deesent thiey would not be driven away from
this place

I attended meeting at the 14th ward school House in the evening Elder
P. P. Preached a good discourse. He told the bishop to cut off all the
Liars thieves, Adulterers, & profane swarers from the church for they
would rot the body if they continued on it. and many wicked men
would stick by the church but they would never repent of their
sins their was a time when men could repent & have the spirit
of God but when that time was past men might pray till their
knees were callaced & they could not get the spirit of God. How long did
the people that were destroyed in the flood have to wait before they could have
the offer of the spirit of God or the gospel, they had to wait more than two
thousand years till after Christ came & was crusiphfied. He then went
& preached to the spirits in Prision. the gospel was then offered unto
them. And how has it been with the Jews they once saw the day when the


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 26 Aug 1877
3301 mentions
Apostle, Family
Watt, George Darling
18 May 1812 - 24 Oct 1881
119 mentions
57 mentions
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1037 mentions
Pratt, Parley Parker
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
524 mentions

Related Documents

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Letter from Alexander Badlam, 9 February 1856
[upside-down text] A. Badlam to W. Woodruff [end of upside-down text]
Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine Notes 3
In a prayer circle on President Young asked Orson Pratt what he thought of his preaching that intelligent beings would continue to learn to all eternity. Orson Pratt replied that he believed the Gods had a knowledge at the present time of everything that did or will exist to the endless ages of all eternity. He believed it as much as any truth he had ever learned in or out of the Church President Young remarked that he had never learned that principle in the Church; for it was not true: it was false doctrine; for the Gods and all intelligent beings would never cease to learn except it were the Sons of Perdition: they would continue to decrease until they became dissolved back into their native element and lose their identity On the evening of the same day Parley P. Pratt preached a good discourse in the 14th Ward. He told the Bishop to cut off all the liars thieves adulterers and profane swearers from the Church for they would rot the body if they continued on it. He said many wicked men would stick by the Church but they would never repent of their sins. There was a time when man could repent but when that time was past men might pray till their knees where [were] callaced and they could not get the Spirit of God. How long did the people who were destroyed in the flood have to wait before they could have the offer of the Srpirit of God or the Gospel? They had to wait more than two thousand years, till after Christ came and was crucified. He then went and preached to the "Spirits in Prison." The Gospel was then offered unto them. And how has it been with the Jews. They once saw the day when the Gospel was offered unto them but when they put to death their King and Saviour the Gospel


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford serves on Board of Directors of Deseret Agriculture and Manufacturing Society.
Wilford rebaptizes family members over the age of 8 (3 wives, 3 children, and "Lamanite" boy Moroni).
Wilford appointed Assistant Church Historian (serves in Historian's Office from 1856 to 1883).

Feb 17, 1856