Day in the Life

Apr 23, 1856

Journal Entry

April 23, 1856 ~ Wednesday

23rd At 8 oclok this morning John Sharp starts as an express
with the cencus & other papers to Hon G. A. Smith I spent most of
the day at home


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Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1439 mentions
Apostle, Missionary


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April 28, 1856 ~ Monday 28th [FIGURE] I have been a marked victem as an attack for the power of the destroyer from my infancy up to the present day. I have faced Accident, misfortune, & apparently death so many times & in so many shapes & forms from my childhood through life thus far that it has become a proverb with me to say that there has seemed to be two powers constantly watching me & at work with me one to kill & the other to save me thus far the power to save me & preserve my life has prevailed. How long I shall be blessed with this preserving power & care time must determin.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Chandler Holbrook, 23 April 1856
Fillmore City Br Woodruff Sir it is with a degree of satisfaction I adress you at this time informing you that we are all well hoping these few lines will find you all enjoying the same health peace ^and prosperity^ as a general thing prevails amongst us as a people being somewhat in a hurry I would inform you (without any ceramony,) That your Lot Br Pratts, and Br G. A. Smiths are given out to others Although it was with the greatest reluctance to my own feeling that I consented to Br Rays orders to let them go till I could have written you a line and known your mind on the subject. Br Ray says I must give them out forthwith, and he will take all the blame to himself as I have mostly resurvey the City Lots my intention was, to make out a writing According to the last act of ^the^ Legislature and get it recorded to you free from any cost on your part. Pres Ray said that that ^Pres^ Young had reserved the Block north of the State house for the first presidency and the Twelve and all of the lots but one ^except the Block befor alluded to^ must be given out to those who was on hand to build up the place. But I will do all that's in my power to make things to your Satisfac tion Br Gabriel Huntsman can inform you more on this subject as he will carry this Letter to the City Yours truly in the bonds of the Covanant Wilforod Woodruff, Chandler Holbrook


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford rebaptizes family members over the age of 8 (3 wives, 3 children, and "Lamanite" boy Moroni).
Wilford appointed Assistant Church Historian (serves in Historian's Office from 1856 to 1883).
Wilford poisoned while skinning livestock; life saved through priesthood blessings.

Apr 23, 1856