Second Constitutional Convention held and petition for State of Deseret delivered to Washington, D.C.
25th A vary cold day, raw winds. I went into the field planted
15 square rods of potatoes I was quite unwell through the night with
pain in my left side.
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April 28, 1856 ~ Monday 28th [FIGURE] I have been a marked victem as an attack for the power of the destroyer from my infancy up to the present day. I have faced Accident, misfortune, & apparently death so many times & in so many shapes & forms from my childhood through life thus far that it has become a proverb with me to say that there has seemed to be two powers constantly watching me & at work with me one to kill & the other to save me thus far the power to save me & preserve my life has prevailed. How long I shall be blessed with this preserving power & care time must determin.
View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.