Day in the Life

Jul 4, 1856

Journal Entry

July 04, 1856 ~ Friday

July 4th Independance. Their was quite a ^military^ display this day in the
City of the great Salt Lake during this day in celebration of the
Anaversary of the American Independance. the fireing of cannon
ringing of Bells, display of flags, an oration from Gov Young
& toasts, were among the scenes of the day. A Ball in the social
& through the various wards during the evening was manifest
the Account of this days celebration will be found in the Deseret
of July 9th


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3459 mentions
Apostle, Family


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Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
There was quite a military display in Great Salt Lake City this day. The firing of cannon the ringing of bells display of flags an oration from Governor Young toasts a ball in the Social Hall and balls through the various Wards in the evening celebrated the Anniversary of American Indipendance. An account of this day's celebration in full may be found in the Deseret News July 9th.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Church-wide reformation includes rebaptizing, restructuring and recommitment to principles and covenants. First "home missionaries" introduced (precursor to ministering program).

Jul 4, 1856