Day in the Life

Mar 26, 1857

Journal Entry

March 26, 1857 ~ Thursday

26th I spent the fore part of the day in the office the evening I spent
At J. C Littles in company with Bishops Hoagland, Smoot, Hardy
Horn & E D Hunter with their families we had a pleasant


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Hoagland, Abraham Lucas
24 Mar 1797 - 14 Feb 1872
Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
584 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Little, Jesse Carter
26 Sep 1815 - 26 Dec 1893
Horne, Joseph
17 Jan 1812 - 27 Apr 1897
Hardy, Leonard Wilford
31 Dec 1805 - 31 Jul 1884
233 mentions


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Letter from Edward Dolten, 26 March 1857
Parowan Br Woodrowf my fealing hare promped me, to write a few lines to you. conserning the things I toled you of this winter I have seene the woman and talked to her, and done jest as you toled me to presiseley. if I have eared in not bringing the matter up hrough my president it is of the head; not the heart. I wish not to trample on any authoraty but am still willing to do not ^bring it up^, if required when I was in the City my fealings drew me to you of all men to confess the matter I told the truth, so the matter is with you, and I am in your hands to do your biding in that and evry thing else, and rest contented. not-withstan [din]g I would to Gad it never had been. I send this [page torn] br Dame so you can say to him what you have a mind [page torn]out but I neve oneley to you ever have said a word. I believe the Lord has forgiven me my sins acording to my repentance because I receive and enjoy his Spirit which makes my heart to rejoice and feal like going ahead and doing good it may seam like noncence for me to write to you but the reason ^is^ if I have trampled on any authority in the matter I wish to make it write. the spirit of the reformation is a working in this stake of Zion to a good extent br Dame has been a man of God amongst us, and a father to the people to save the oil and wine and feret out iniquity he has bo^u^rn a faithful testimony. I have tride to do the same in word and deed with the rest of my bretherin the the people have receivid the Spirit and are a waking up to make


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Mar 26, 1857