Day in the Life

Mar 31, 1857

Journal Entry

March 31, 1857 ~ Tuesday

^31st^ followed by O Hyde who spoke upon the subject of sending to the states
for sheep I followed & exhorted the bishops to teach the people to take
care of what they had got & tie up their bucks till a suitable time
so the Lambs could come in April when there was a plenty of grass
so the Lambs could live & also take care of your calves & save your
stock which the Lord has given you & not [let] it die as we have done


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Hyde, Orson
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
693 mentions

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Letter from Ezra Taft Benson, 31 March 1857
Elder Woodruff My dear Brother I received your kind and welcome letter dated December 7th 1856 yester day and was very glad to hear from you altho we have had most of the same news that was contained in your letter some 4 weeks ago. We were truly much surprised and greatly shocked to hear of the death of our beloved brother J. M. Grant for he surely was one of Gods Noble men on the Earth and much beloved by all good men that knew him and a great many that did not know him. He has left an impression on the minds of the people that never can be obliterated in this life. How consoleing it is to know that this is the work of God and that He rules and Reigns and will do that which will result forin the best
Discourse 1857-03-31
Bro W. Woodruff hoped the people would take care of what sheep we now have, there had been such neglect heretofore, and consequently great loss and destruction which had made his heart sick he hoped the Brethren would take more care of them, on Tithing he said he had been in the Storehouse and seen the immen[se] quantity of Grain, and if a few more Teams came in, the bins would run over.


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Mar 31, 1857