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Day in the Life

May 18, 1857

Journal Entry

May 18, 1857 ~ Monday

18th I spent the day in the office reading history to took supper at Br Horn's
we read History of the month of Jan 1845


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Horne, Joseph
17 Jan 1812 - 27 Apr 1897
47 mentions


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My daughter Phebe had a vary severe attack of inflamation on the Lungs or sumthing like plurisy she could not Breath ownly with great Difficulty we holstered her up in the bed & she would Retch for breath like a person strangling she was so for several hours we annointed her, laid hands upon her, & rebuked the desease I finally got Joseph Smiths silk Hankerchief which He gave me in 1839 and said it should ever remain as a League between us as long as I would keep it I laid it upon her stomach. Brother Dunyon came in to see her in the evening she became some better & slept some.
~ Wilford Woodruff


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May 18, 1857