Day in the Life

Jun 17, 1857

Journal Entry

June 17, 1857 ~ Wednesday

17th I spent most of the day in the office on the History
of the Twelve in the afternoon I attended the 14th ward female
relief society
at my House with Robert Campbell we both
addressed the meeting there were about 50 present sewing knitting
sewing carpet rags making quilts &c it is a laudable undertaking
all the females in the ward meet at my house each wednesday
afternoon they open & close with prayer Mrs Phebe W. Woodruff
is Presentident & Mrs Pratt Secretary they clothe all the poor in
the ward & during the last Quarter they made a Donation to
the perpetual Emigrating fund of $126. I wish all go & do
like wise


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Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions
Campbell, Robert Lang
21 Jan 1825 - 11 Apr 1874
124 mentions


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Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
On the they met at my house. There were about 50 present sewing knitting sewing carpet rags making quilts &c. It is a laudable undertaking. All the females in the Ward met at my house each Wednesday afternoon. They open and close with prayer Mrs Phebe Wo Woodruff was President and Mrs Pratt secretary. They clothed all the poor in the Ward and during the last quarter the^y^ made a donation to the Perpetual Emigration Fund of 126 dollars. We finished reading Samuel Smith's ^history^ on the


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Jun 17, 1857