The Eastern mails arived at 1/2 past 2 oclok 23
days from Indipendance Ferrymore Little & Ephraim Hanks came
with it, the shortest trip on record we learn that all Hell is boiling
over against the saints in Utah we also are informed that
Elder Parley ^P^ Pratt was Murdered By [blank] MCLain who
s[h]ot him in Arkansaw this was painful news to his family the
papers of the United States are filled with bitter revileings aga[ins]t
us the devil is exceding mad. Sister Sayers & sister Vose both
arived in the mail Sister [blank] Vose is 77 years old & rode 1200 miles
in 23 days she has been a member of the Church almost from the
begining she has given thousands of Dollars for the Elders & building
up of the kingdom of God. I went into the Presidents office with
the first Presidency & Twelve to hear the news by the Mail president
Young was sick yet He sat for 3 Hours & heard reading & cor[res]ponde[nce]
I went with the Twelve, O Hyde, W. Woodruff G. A. Smith & A. Lyman
to visit the family & to comfort them on the Death of their Husband
& Father they were calm & composed I again called in the evening
saw Sister Sayers & had some conversation with her
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