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Day in the Life

Feb 22, 1858

Journal Entry

February 22, 1858 ~ Monday

22 I spent the day in the office Brothers Wandle & Nicholas
called in the office and gave an account of
their missions wandle to Australia and Calafornia [affair]
& Groosebeck to St Louis bringing on the Church train and the
intention of the armey to take him and his his finally selling
to Rashaw and his escape across the country to Salt Lake
Wandle said that A. C. Bennett who is now in Cedar City He
was the captain of the company who undertook to cross the
desert they lost evry animal and burned all their waggons
about 70 in number. He is now going into the desert with a
company at Cedar City to get the Iron Wandle Baptized him
and many others that went through the salt Lake City. I set
out several pears on quince stock one Almond, and 2 peach
trees of Carringtons 2nd Early, we had a snow storm in the
night and the wind blew hard


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Carrington, Albert
8 Jan 1813 - 19 Sep 1889
210 mentions
6 mentions


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Feb 22, 1858