10th I spent most of the day in the endowment House we gave
about 50 th^e^ir endowments. One hundred mounted men
were ordered to the North with the 100 men that went out with
Col Cunningham, and 50 men was ordered East their
is a report that all the Indians in the sothern settlements
have gone into the mountains and that the mountaineers
and Indians north East of Salmon River have gathered
large flocks of cattle and Horses for the U.S Armey if we
were to Judge from the present signs of the times we might
expect an Indian and white war but all things are in the
hands of God and he will govern & controll all things right
On my returned home I found that my corn which was
put up in the upper story of my granery in ethe ear and the damp
state began to heat and mold I went to work and carried about
200 bushels of ears in baskets down a ladder on my sholder
then wimy wives and children took it and carried it and spread
[it] in my chambers in the house when I got through I was vary
weary and sore. Elder G A Smith returned from Provo at 5 oclok
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