12 I spent a short time in the morning in my garding
setting out strawburies, sowing cabage onions and radish I
then went to the office found Elders Kimball O Hyde G A Smith
waiting to read history to the President. Brother Hyde said
that mother Eldridge had a dream of late Father Eldridge
appeared to her was dressed in the most splendid military
aray She said Father are you going to fight with the soldiers
I am going into the mountains to help defend the Kingdom
of God. The president got a letter from Ben Simons stating
that he and his men are friendly that they have one stolen
horse from the mormons which they will send in or any other
animals that his men may steel. it is also rumured that
the Indians south who have been to the armey are vary
hungry and wish to come into the settlements ang [and] get
sumthing to eat. President Young son came in we read
to him the history of Thomas B. Marsh, D. W. Patten Wm E.
MCLellin, Wm Smith, Lyman E Johnston, John Boynton
Luke Johnson John E. Page and Lyman Wight.
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