Day in the Life

Mar 21, 1858

Journal Entry

March 21, 1858 ~ Sunday

21st Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle the Presidency
and a part of the Twelve were present I spoke in the morning then
the meeting was turned into a special conference the Presidency
spoke then it was resolved to move all the people and provision to
the southern country and go into the desert as soon as possible
and evacuate this city and be ready to burn the whole city
to ground before our enemies tocome to take possession of it. I atte-
nded the prayer circle while there Daniel Spencer told me
that he met my son Wifford in rush valley wallowing with his
team through 2 feet of snow and thought he might perish


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Spencer, Daniel
20 Jul 1794 - 8 Dec 1868
Woodruff, Wilford (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
721 mentions


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The Presidency and Twelve met in council at the office. Meeting opened by Prayer by O. Hyde I presented before the meeting the case of O. Pratt who did not believe in some of the teachings of President Young and thought President Young had reproved him unjustly the subjet was discused at length by the Twelve and President Young. much instruction was given at the close Orson Pratt confessed his faults and said that He would never teach those principles again or speak them to any person on the Earth we all forgave him and voted to receive him into full fellowship
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Discourse 1858-03-21
Bro W. Woodroof spoke on the load the first Presidencey had to bear, exhorted the Peaple to be awake to their duties and to have the Holy Gohst continualy with them and magnify their callings


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Mar 21, 1858