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Day in the Life

Aug 30, 1858

Journal Entry

August 30, 1858 ~ Monday

30 I spent this day threshing I finished my wheat
& assisted Br Job Smith to thresh his I had 393
Bushels of wheat 250 bushels of white taos without smut
& 143 bushel of white club about 1/4 smut I find
the white taos much the most Profitable. Capt Hooper
& John Pack had a fight but neither was hurt


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Smith, Job Taylor
2 Dec 1828 - 3 Jan 1913
10 mentions
1840 British Convert
Pack, John
20 May 1809 - 4 Apr 1885
31 mentions
124 mentions


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Aug 30, 1858