Day in the Life

Sep 27, 1858

Journal Entry

September 27, 1858 ~ Monday

27th I spent the day compiling History Bulah was quite sick
I administered to her and she began to recover


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Woodruff, Beulah Augusta Beatie
19 Jul 1851 - 13 Jan 1905
261 mentions

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Letter from Orson Pratt, 27 September 1848
Liverpool, . Dear Bro. Woodruff. Enclosed is a letter from Prince Edward Island, where there is a church of abut 20 mem bers who have lost themselves. Will you be good enough to answer the letter, and send some one there as it is in your jurisdiction, and I hope that there will be a great work done in that quarter. The Work is rolling forth mightily in this country, and many hund- reds are being added every quarter as you will see by the Stars. I have just published a work on "Divine Authority," or ^the question^ "Was Joseph Smith sent of God?" The tract is 16 pages ^each page being somewhat^ larger than the Star, and we are gettting 20 Thousand as a first Edition, and there is likely to be a demand for a second. Hoping you may be prospered by the blessing of God upon your labours, I remain, Your fellow labourer in Gospel of Christ, Orson Pratt


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Sep 27, 1858