Day in the Life

Oct 17, 1858

Journal Entry

October 17, 1858 ~ Sunday

17th Sunday I met with the people at 2 oclock I preached
to the people was followed by G A. Smith win the evening
G A Smith & myself attended the Bishops & Presidents prayer circle


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Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1442 mentions
Apostle, Missionary

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Discourse 1858-10-17
Sunday 2 oclock Bro Wilford Woodruff after so long a Silence I feel glad to speak to you how much I shall say I know not the Question ahas often beeen aske when shall we have any more Preaching. There has been silence in gt S L City the voice of the Prophet has not been heard of late Truth is Truth to day & will be tomorrow the same Principles of Salvation remain the same in every age. if you or I ever saw any beauty in the gosple there is yet the same beauty yet, because of this Silence it is no reason that we should not live our religion those who wached over us once are still watching over us, we should Sow the Truth in all Sircumstances we are placed, there now seems to be now a sifting time there has been a strong infl- uance to Draw away men from the truth. god has revealed the fullness of the gosple by an angel: the greater the light the greater are our responsibilities, there has never been a generation greater privileged than you this is a Dispensation of Dispensations god has through Prophet that he would restore again the gosple this is the same Holy Prieshood conferred upon Adam and the ancients. This was not revealed to our fathers now because we have been placed in sircumstances shall we partake of them such has gold and silver. great is our condemnation if we turn away we profess to have resieved a Dispensation of the Holy gosple we have now. Preached to allmost every Nation under heaven, & now shall we now turn away. I hope not though I often hear of some turn away. Well every man has he has his agency yet god holds every man rep responsable. not man ought leave the comm- andments of god. it seems to me that this Church is making great progress, has much the last 6 months has it has any 6 months. Did putting the Prophets of god in chains &c stop this work no it only helped


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford serves ninth term as member of Territorial Legislature.

Oct 17, 1858