7th Sunday I met with my Prayer Circle at 10 oclok
Bishop Hoagland Prayed & J. C. Little was mouth
I called upon President Young & spent most of the day
in his office with him & H. C. Kimball & D. H. Wells G. A. Smith
reading papers which come by the Eastern mail which arived
on saturday the 6th there was but little News except the
Atlantic cable telegraph has sceased to work & 22 more persons
were picked up from the Austria making 90 saved & 510 lost the
yellow fever has raged at an alarming rate over 500 death
daily in New Orleans alone from that desease. An opposit-
ion paper is being published in this city by Kirk Anderson
it is called Kirk Andersons valley Tann The first peace
strikes out against valley poliygamy in strong terms. there
are seting at liberty a thousand or more teamsters at Col
Johnsons camp which are filling our cities & towns
with rowdyism & crime to get up a fuss with the Saints
I met at 6 oclok with the Twelve in the prayer circle at
the Historians Closset Erastus Snow was mPrayed John Taylor
was mouth. I spent the evening with President Young &
D. H. Wells & E. T. Benson & G. A. Smith at the presidents
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